Does a Tree Make a Sound When No One is Around?

Does a Tree Make a Sound When No One is Around?

What I can tell you is even though we did not hear the trees fall at camp this winter, we sure did see them laid across our pathways and fields. As we drove into camp for our facility committee meeting at the beginning of April, the driveway was a real obstacle course...

The Countdown to Camp

It is officially spring. That means there is only one season between now and the 2023 Youth Camp season. As the staff wraps up our annual convention, it is crunch time for camp staff hiring and camp facility preparation, which will carry us through April and May....

Why Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp?

There is no lack of outdoor recreation or summer camps in Michigan. With such an environmentally diverse state, it is no wonder so many organizations are teaching Michigan youth to enjoy its wonders. The Michigan Out-of-Doors (MOOD) Youth Camp has been operating since...

New Year, New Opportunity

The past few years at the Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp have been faced with many challenges. Fluctuating staff and the early closing of camp last year left us thinking, how can we do better? The most important goal is to keep our campers happy and safe. We will...